“Guardian’s unique knowledge of technology and law enforcement practices has given way to a revolutionary platform that aims to streamline the all-important background investigation process by providing investigators with 21st century tools to enhance the quality and thoroughness of their investigations.”
Chief Joey Reynolds
Chief of Police (Ret)
Bluffton Police Department, SC
2017 President, FBINAA
Bluffton Police Department, SC
2017 President, FBINAA

“During my 26-year law enforcement career, I’ve never seen a product more efficient or effective in streamlining the hiring process. Guardian is going to revolutionize the way agencies conduct the hiring process and the end result will be a cost savings to the agency and better officers on the street.”
Captain Barry Thomas
Chief Deputy (ReT)
Story County Sheriff’s Office (IA)
2016 President, FBINAA
Story County Sheriff’s Office (IA)
2016 President, FBINAA

“One of the greatest challenges for every Chief Executive is the struggle with R.O.I. In the never-ending battle to do more with less, Guardian has developed a product which enables leaders to maximize the return on the most precious commodity we are in charge of…. our people’s time.”
David Boggs
Chief of Police (Ret)
Broken Arrow POLICE DEPT., OK
2015 President, FBI-LEEDA
Broken Arrow POLICE DEPT., OK
2015 President, FBI-LEEDA